During a church service in 2003, the Holy Spirit began speaking to me directly about the glory of God. I took time to write down many verses as He continued to share rich revelations; among those was Romans 8:18. I meditated on that one verse every day for 4 years, not knowing at the time the Holy Spirit was leading me in that. Out of that experience came all the teaching, training, and manifestations of His glory. The Holy Spirit later inspired me to write down all these rich revelations on His glory, coupled with the amazing testimonies that manifested as a result of following His lead.


Larry Thompson grew up in a time when you still walked to school, just eclipsing that time previous, when you walked in five feet of snow, uphill both ways. You still had to get up from the couch to change the station on television, and adjust the connection by moving the rabbit ears (antenna, for those who have not heard of them). Most people remember very well the exact things that happened in traumatic times, such as the day Kennedy was shot, or, recently, 9/11. What Larry Thompson has taken time to remind us of, is that the simple ways produce the richest experiences. He became a born-again believer shortly after graduating from high school, more than forty years ago, and has since been successfully discipling others. He entered the U.S. Navy, achieving the Academic Excellence Award right out of basic training.


Once, while living in Massachusetts, he was given the opportunity to act as an assistant to a local high school football team. The coach, after losing a football game with a large deficit in the score, asked Larry, if he (the coach) could have done anything differently. Larry's reply to the coach was one of those encouraging words that has been one of his life signatures—to speak into another person's soul. The coach gave Larry a big bear hug, totally affected by his words. The words in Larry Thompson's most recent book, from this aggressive book series project, are aimed at your life becoming greatly encouraged as well. In his words, "This journey of being taught to follow intimately the voice of the Holy Spirit concerning His glory ignites everything within the believer's life, and you will never be the same. You will no longer have faith accidents, but real depth and understanding in that spiritual realm—the Glory."


We are reaching out to all those who would like to be part of an exciting project: developing a study manual for use in conjunction with the several types of meeting formats we have established. This manual will also ensure the success of others holding similar meetings. Our purpose is to train up the body of Christ in the knowledge of the glory. The prophetic word from Habakkuk 2:14 is that the knowledge of the glory of the Lord will be known throughout the whole earth. However, it is not even known throughout the whole church yet. As more people are coming to Christ, we need a trained core of disciples who have learned the language of heaven, have had intimate experiences in Christ, and can teach others how to observe what the Holy Spirit reveals and operate in the glory in the same way Jesus observed what the Father revealed and operated in the glory.


Step one would be to prayerfully consider if this is what the Father is placing on your heart. Be willing to roll up your sleeves for the task before you. The desires and vision of our mission statement found on this website may already be much like your own.


Step two would be to leave your comments in the prayer request form located on the donation page. All are welcome, though we are looking for those who have the passionate desire to accomplish with us the mission God established. You may have already experienced many such victories that come from the Holy Spirit actively operating in your life.


Our prayer is that everyone experiences the genuine refreshing in the Holy Spirit through anointed worship and word. Expect an increase and impartation to all who truly receive even one word by the Holy Spirit. Be prepared to receive healing regardless of what you have already suffered. Please consider prayerfully covering this project with love and devotion to Him and the body of Christ.